[09/Sep/2010:1630] Added more disk space, required a reboot for "resize2fs"
[05/Mar/2010:1630] Added more disk space, required a reboot for "resize2fs"
[05/Oct/2008:1400] New webmail service is available. https://mail.oc9.org/
[05/Oct/2008:1300] Upgraded to Slackware 12.0, let me know if anything is broken for you.
[04/Mar/2008:2000] Note: Although there is a firewall blocking most of the ports on this system, I have no problem with users running services -- just let me know which ports you would like open.
[05/Jan/2008:2320] Due to a VPN configuration typo you may need to restore your "/etc/tinc/ocvpn/tinc.conf". Contact me if you need further assistance with this.
[21/Nov/2007:0930] claw.oc9.org is back up. An upgrade of the Xen configuration caused the hosting provider to disable the switchport due to wrong-mac (new configuration used bridging by default, needed to change to routing).
[16/Nov/2007:1000] PHP now works, but many PHP applications want to talk to the MySQL server which used to reside on "localhost". This server is now "unleaded.oc9.org" and you will need a new password for it (all other data is intact).
[10/Sep/2007:0100] static.oc9.org and slackware.oc9.org have been moved to the new server.
[06/May/2007:0200] Excessive load and lack of swap space caused the system to slowly die. I've converted some filesystem space into swap.
[06/Mar/2006:1200] tincd crashed causing the kernel to be very unhappy. The system was rebooted. Tincd really sucks.
[22/Dec/2005:0800] System overload. System reboot. System disk error. Things seem well, now.
[03/Oct/2005:0800] Network card failure. New network card. Things seem well.
[05/Jul/2005:0800] tincd crashed causing the kernel to be very unhappy. The system was rebooted. All seems well.
[27/Jan/2005:1040] The running system crashed, I'm not sure why. It's back up.
[14/Jan/2005:1630] static.oc9.org has been created for static pages, let me know if you wish to offload stuff on to this.
[14/Jan/2005:1030] PHP has been "fixed," let me know if you need help with it.
[08/Jan/2005:1000] SSH access is restored.
[08/Jan/2005:0100] SSH access is only available through the VPN pro tempor.
-- The Management.
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